
Country class I. 2011/2012 season

Country class I. 2011/2012 season

The "first domino" in the ailing Hills NB III teams decided it. The Kőszeg and Celldömölk not it was gone, goodbye to the third line, and referring to the substantive problems remaining Buk is already sure of the county I called class...

The "first domino" in the ailing Hills NB III teams decided it. The Kőszeg and Celldömölk not it was gone, goodbye to the third line, and referring to the substantive problems remaining Buk is already sure of the county I called class. Interestingly, the right Buk Haladas VSE also filed for entry of the county from I, on the grounds that during the spring to fall waived their right to benefit HVSE. The two semi-neurotic neat unsure bükieknek the truth of the first round of the competition committee. But the green and white appealed, so the final paragraphs later, is expected next week.

The withdrawal of three teams have been expected given that many will be lost from the county I. Guards also worsened the situation in the county that the three County Championship II - Tanakajd (Szombathely), reed (Körmend) Uraiújfalu (Sárvár) - both agreed to step up, too long ago was this example. Accordingly, the band dropped out of the five departments: 16 Egyházasrádóc, 15 Torony, 14 Magyarszecsőd, 13 Ujperint, 12 Vasvár. The Torony and the Perint of Szombathely, the Radóc the Szecse and Vasvár Körmendi is a group of county-II will begin in the autumn. But also a farewell to the Körmend Country class I.: a champion of 3th Legaue.

The county II. Szombathely-Gyöngyösfalu the group did not agree to the second class, called country III. So the village was saved from the Kőszeg kieséstől. The Pornóapáti been withdrawn during the season corresponding to the III. called class. A group of 16 teams will start in Szombathely in the autumn. Like Körmend group, which has been filled out by the county I lost troops. Alsóberki during the season, came back, so the new team this season will not find in this class. The Apátistvánfalva is not committed to the county II, III. class is lined up. Sarvar The group has a plastic case, but perhaps the 16 teams here come together, it will not be lost. The county has formed groups III is the case, there are new denominators, new teams, with some groups to form the authorities.

- Recently there was a change in so many different groups, there are piles of documents in the office, a lot of stuff from her colleagues - said the Hungarian Football Association of Iron County Board race committee chairman, Tibor Gerencser. - We tried to caution, taking into account the team's requests, a reasonable charge groups. However, the work is not over yet, maybe next week on all outstanding issues including the issue of county groups III, the Buk v. Haladas also can lock topics.


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