
Edina Marko say good bye, but...

Edina Marko say good bye, but...

The new team started the 2010-2011 FC Victoria in league, which the MTK was designed to break the dominance. The Hungarian Cup success, but the league like last year won a silver medal. In the first place is clearly in the regular season, suffered lost had to give up a Saturday because of local people who are going to the Senate in the spring playoffs - where it is 1-5. placed against each other continued to push ahead with the results - well, marched six wins, two draws were recorded. At the end of the season, the coach, Edina Marko said goodbye after 18 years, as prices on July 20, waiting for the second child...

The new team started the 2010-2011 FC Victoria in league, which the MTK was designed to break the dominance. The Hungarian Cup success, but the league like last year won a silver medal. In the first place is clearly in the regular season, suffered lost had to give up a Saturday because of local people who are going to the Senate in the spring playoffs - where it is 1-5. placed against each other continued to push ahead with the results - well, marched six wins, two draws were recorded. At the end of the season, the coach, Edina Marko said goodbye after 18 years, as prices on July 20, waiting for the second child.

- A new team compared to last year's season had to be built. Ten players have dropped out for various reasons, that any combination - Edina Marko said. - Gaming system is switched to the new posts up an important new member Krenács Lilla. It seemed that the switch failed, but the midfielder was unfortunate knee injury after a new situation has arisen. This was changed in the transaction, which was not lucky at the end of the regular season in the league hopes were removed. The away defeat against Femina was a big mistake, and as it turned out later, did not fit into it. The matches against MTK also fallen, from which the home was a painful 1-0: Krenács and then injured a penalty is omitted. She was also unlucky, because the only team to have reached the country top five, while the Győr Dózsa - which once took the MTK-t - forced the lower house. The Senate has a great playoff performance of us, I think we showed we are not worse than the MTK. Well-spring of a mature team, the defense has improved a lot, but I could not attack to be as effective as far as we wanted.

- The Hungarian Cup win compensation reported?

- Big win caps a weapon, a neutral site, Ranked Match 1-0 to prove we can be better than the MTK. As the match was broadcast live on television, so much fun getting feedback, so the team has served the city and the sport's promotion. Many had problems during the year, but winning the MK may say, we closed a successful season.

- Who or whom to raise a team?

- The player of the year we chose Alexandra Toth, who has a good average. The home was top scorer Alexandra Megyeri Buttercup 19 hits, while deer and Lilla Sipos had goals 16-16. Szabina official and irreplaceable in today's Victoria Racz, Sophie, Nikoletta Marsi, the team has a lot to play. A young Nagy Dora the end of the tournament was starting, hopefully, the development remains unbroken. Eszter Papp is now the third year of medical school, and sometimes victims was bringing the team's disposal.

- The tournament ended at the end of an era.

- That's right, but I asked the girls, do not said good bye in any case I'll be behind the team. The new coach, Iszak Gabor's work I do not want it to flow, but if you feel the need, help him. In his wish to teach on the Brushed, but the two kids in school and in daily work and certainly can not admit, so I'm officially manager. This does not mean that players want to be, but I want to provide security around the team and the reputation of the sport also helps us improve. In recent years, despite the podium is a difficult situation, we need it as a title sponsor.

- How to elect a new coach?

- Firstly I have approached a human thing, because the other girls to work. Since the B-licensed coach training was carried out together, so I knew Gabor's attitude towards women's soccer. From January next to me was the training sessions helped me to know and work. Would you like to do in the future, and the girls have accepted him.

- It was hard to say goodbye to the team after so many years?

- It was not easy, but I tried to sort things myself, because I did not want the girls to reinforce uncertainty. This is a natural process, in others every 2-3 years or even sooner occurs, a new coach arrives. The work will continue along similar principles, and as I said, other areas will help the team. The story is not about me, but Viktóriáról, so the point is not to be damaged by 18 years.


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