
Plans for the year 2012

Plans for the year 2012

The most important, we believe that our facilities maintain consistency and quality. In addition, we want to improve the quality of the field...

The most important, we believe that our facilities maintain consistency and quality. In addition, we want to improve the quality of the field.
Already this winter we started improving the quality of grass football pitches. Of course this spring and summer continues. Sports Cafe bowling alley is present in low maintenance needs. In addition, a small outdoor soccer field, we will improve our quality is, as it was back in March in the city league starts. Quality of the tennis courts are also repaired during the spring.
In terms of urban transport will be an important year this year. In 2012, the year not only by car, bicycle can be approached in our facility, but also familiar with local bus. On March 31th, will begin work on the bus station.
In addition to the work of the main building will correct errors that each guest can prepare in the usual environment and sports.

Király Sportegyesület
Király Sportegyesület
Király Gábor
Király Gábor
Király Kapusiskola
Király Kapusiskola
K1raly Park Hotel
K1raly Park Hotel